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Your Pets

Reiki for your Pets

Reiki is a healing energy and will never harm your pet and can be given to any type of animal.

If your pet has emotional problems due to abuse, neglect, or trauma Reiki can help release and heal those emotions.  It can help with behavioral issues such as anxiety, hyperactivity, and misbehaving.  If your pet is sick, injured, or facing a surgical procedure Reiki can help your pet heal more quickly.

At your pets end of life on this earth reiki can bring peace and comfort during this difficult time,. to both of you.  A mix of Shamanic work and reiki can help your pet crossover peacefully.

Shamanic Work for Your Pets

Shamanic work such as journey work & healing sessions can benefit your pet.  I have had great results doing this work for different animals over the years from helping a pet through injuries and sickness to doing soul retrievals.  This type of work is best done remotely to allow the animal to relax and feel comfortable in a familiar setting. 

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